A new rider to keep at mom-mom's

All dressed up for church:

Christmas morning was a bit confusing for him. Santa had a pile for him and he was very happy to get his special new toys but he's still not into the opening of them a whole lot. And each time we opened a gift it had to be completely opened and played with before we moved on to the next one (his cousins need to teach him a few lessons:)). Then of course the gifts kept coming all day from the grandparents and Uncle Kris and Aunt Wendy who sent theirs in with my mom. My mom and grandmother and Nate's mom and step father were all at our house for dinner (which we ate during nap time, so Merry Christmas to me for an uninterrupted hot meal:)) and it was a really nice day.
We couldn't get him to wear hats quite as easily as last year but a quick, "Santa came" photo...

Yes, we had to read the book before moving on to the next gift...

Just the right size!

Then mom-mom and mom-mom mom-mom came over!
Time for them to open gifts...

Saying hi to his "Uncle Kris" Airforce bear!

Open it faster Grandma!

Then Sunday my extended family all met at my grandmothers, its always a fun time to try to get as many as can come together! Max with his 2nd cousins at mom-mom mom-mom's:

And this was after we straightened up.... but this saga continues with some upstairs remodeling, pictures to come!