Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing New

16 weeks tomorrow
Sorry its been a while, we really don't have much to report. I'm not sure what we're always busy doing but the days seem to pass so quickly and Max is getting so big! We're in between Dr's visits so I'm not sure what the measurements are but he feels SO heavy. He's doing great, getting over a little cold but he seems to be getting better. One of the most exciting recent developments is his laugh. He usually just has a little laugh (mostly when Daddy tickles him) but last week, oddly enough he was just nursing and stopped and looked up at me with all smiles (can you tell why it takes him an hour to nurse, we have many pauses like that) and just did a HUGE belly laugh. It was the greatest sound ever, of course it made Nate and me laugh so he continued for a couple seconds. We haven't had another one yet but we're waiting anxiously!

He's a tubbo wubbo! He's taking almost 7oz when he takes his bottle. We're still on the same eating schedule and he's sleeping well at night. We still have no regular nap schedule but that's pratically my fault cause our sleeping habits are different when mommy is around to sleep in with and I'm too selfish to give up sleeping in with my boy to try to work out a schedule. I'm pretty sure when we go for our 4 month visit we'll start on cereal, should be fun.

He's starting to recognize routine which is fun, like he knows when his bath is coming and what happens with that process (not that it stops him from screaming for his bottle afterwards even though he gets it the same time EVERY night). He's also able to control himself more to swat at and hold toys which is kinda fun. He's still at a tough age though where he really wants to do more but just can't. Its these weeks when I'm glad I have a bouncer, swing, play mat, jumper, AND pack and play cause we kinda go from one thing to the next fairly quickly, though on his calmer days he'll chill with one for a while.
We actually made it out for a walk last week during our one day of 40 degree heat wave! I'm afraid he'll be allergic to fresh air, poor thing.

So anyway, here are some new pics, don't you wanna just pinch those cheeks!!!

He sat up to the table for Grandpa Jeff's B-day dinner, that was his tomato there. Dad was just trying to get rid of it.

He can't touch the floor yet (daddy sometimes puts a phone book under him!) but there is lots to do on this thing so it keeps him entertained!

Who's that handsome boy??

Sorry, but the gear didn't work. Luckily we have a lot of yellow to wear on Sunday.

Take before the game obviously....

He loves his peanut shell, how funny does he look! Oh and another trick he's learned is to pull mommy's hair so I got it all cut off, you can kinda tell, though this isn't my most fashionable picture...

It puts him to sleep sometimes, even while vacuuming! (Oh, and I got my Haan steam floor cleaner so I'm ready to be spic and span without chemicals for a mobile little man.)

Friday, January 9, 2009

3 Months...and as big as George!

Can you believe is 3 months! (What else I can't believe as I'm uploading these pictures off the camera is how much mini-Nate is starting to look a lot like his mama. I'll have to dig up some baby pictures to compare! Its funny how they can look so much like both parents!)
For some reason this seems right this time, doesn't feel like we've had him forever but doesn't feel brand new either.

People sure are right, they really start to come into themselves by 3 months. Besides growing like a weed, he's changing so much. Along with being all smiles so much of the time, he's talking up a storm these days, just long rambles. Wouldn't you love to know what they're saying (or maybe not!). He always likes to watch daddy, he can stare at him forever. Of course I know why:)) But, much to his embarrassment, I do just have to mention what an awesome dad Nate is. Its a pet peeve of mine, fathers who are almost incapable of taking care of their children or never have much alone time with them. But not only is he a huge help all the time but with our work schedules he has him at least one day and one evening a week by himself and even did bath, bottle, bed time all by himself last night. From day one he's been right there, not only loving his son to death but really taking a big part in caring for him in all ways and its just such a help and relief to me!

What a little tubbo he's becoming, its so darn cute!

The poor thing is starting to loose some of the beautiful hair of his too...can't wait to see how its going to grow in, daddy's started our straight and soft too!

On the last day of Christmas

And we're done....we had a great visit with Grandpa and Grandma Diana!

It seemed to be cool hat day!

We had such a fun first Christmas with our Maxwell! It seemed a lot more stressful this year, I think just worrying about his feeding and sleeping schedule but we had so much fun and got lots of great new things which we appreciate!

So..... since its the new year, that means it was time for me to go back to work. It was definitely one of the saddest weeks of my life. I can't imagine why anyone would actually choose to work over being home with their baby! But, as I look at our situation I can realize how truly blessed we are and how wonderfully God answers our prayers and will always provide for us. I'm lucky enough to work for a great company that has allowed me to come back on a part time basis, which I recognize is difficult for a small company to do, but we seem to work well together so they think its worth giving a try. I am hourly now of course but even got a small raise over what my old salary hourly rate would be and when you look at the pay of part time work, I can be very thankful for that. It may mean that I only have to keep the 2 houses I clean and hopefully won't have to pick up any more. And then to have it work out that my mom is able to watch Max 2 days and Nate on the 3rd it is just such a comfort. I only have to miss him and not have to worry about him. Otherwise I think he'd be in a soundproof box under my desk! And having Nate right downstairs is always a big help and so much fun to have him around more often. There is a part of me that is happy to feel connected to the real world again, but as I sat today, unshowered in clothes with spit up all over them, trying to wash dishes, do laundry, put away Christmas presents and having many conversations with my smiling son (who has learned to ramble this week!) I know that mommyhood is my #1 job and nothing could be more fun! We have him down to a decent schedule, I can feed him twice in the early morning before I leave and they've managed to get him to hold off till I get home to nurse again so he's only missing 2 feedings with mom (of course he's been taking bottles well for months). We also have a bath, bottle and bed routine at night now, and have managed to get him to bed by 9pm most nights so that's nice for sleeping time. (Side note: the bedtime bath wash seems to work really well!)

So our reflections of 2008 are very fond of course. Max is just awesome. We're not one for making big resolutions for the new year, I'd of course like to loose the last 8lbs (only to maybe, possibly start gaining it by the end of the year:)) and Nate would like to really work on the basement and garage. But what we look forward to most is just seeing our son grow learning all the new awesome things that will come this year for him; and just when we think he can't get any cuter, he keeps surprising us!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

On the 4th day of Christmas...

We've now been through 4 of 5 days of Christmas and been having a blast. Max survived a CRAZY weekend back "east". Saturday we were at my Mom-Mom Mogel's with all the crew there being passed around like a hot potato and showing off our smiles. After our sleepover with Noah we made another visit to Great Mom-mom Paul's to see Great Mom-mom, Grandpa and Aunt Julie. And then one last stop to see friends Ryan and Missy. He was a TROOPER! I'm so proud. But I have to say I don't think I've ever seen him happiest as he was on Monday to sleep in, stay in jammies all day and just have some quiet mom and dad time.

First sleep over, not that either of them knew it, still can't wait till they can really play, though they were holding hands for a little:)

But then Christmas continues when Aunt Ellie, Uncle Josh and cousins Luke and Emma come for New Years. We got lots of fun new stuff and are having tons of fun playing with our cousins.

Aunt Ellie finds the coolest clothes!

Four down and one more to go when Grandpa and Grandma Diana come out Saturday...for now we're still enjoying Aunt Ellie and family being in town. And having both Grandma's here for pork and sauerkraut (which I have learned my lesson is NOT something Max enjoys) to ring in the new year.


Poor guy missed his first ball drop! But thanks to Daddy, mom got to sleep in.... luckily he caught a quick nap!

Cousin Emma and Max were having a singalong! He loved having her sing to him and even tried to sing back to her!

And we got a great family shot!