20 week shot, gotta love this picture... my stomach somehow comes to a point, the curtains look "shiny" and of course Max's face...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Baby Girl Swanson
20 week shot, gotta love this picture... my stomach somehow comes to a point, the curtains look "shiny" and of course Max's face...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
PA Farm Show
Saturday, January 9, 2010
New room pics
And here is Max's new car room. Right now its just a play room. We have more toys, pictures and of course all the clothes and stuff to move over from his nursery yet but I was just happy to get so many of his new toys and the downstairs toys up in this room. Nate is working on painting a little table we have for him, as well as the little white chair that is in there and we just borrowed this changing table from some friends today so I need to get that set up. We have the crib picked out at Ikea (it goes from crib to toddler bed to regular double bed with a new mattress so it should be a good investment!). But for now and prince has 2 rooms to play in. Those storage bins are the best because he can see in and reach them and we can carry one or two downstairs if there is something we want to play with instead of keeping it all downstairs. If only I could get him to put his toys away in them now.....
The crib, when we get it, will go on this wall here. We're not in a huge hurry but want to get him transitioned well before the baby comes so we don't have an issue with the baby taking his room!I know.... its not exactly "back" but its 10 better than it was the night of Christmas. We got a lot of stuff upstairs (the riding toys just work better on the hard floors and where there is more room!) So for now I will just enjoy it like this until the summer when we get to bring back down the swing and bouncie seat and play mat, etc....
In other news.... I haven't heard for sure but I'm guessing my brother has made it to Afghanistan after a week's trek across the globe so please keep him in your prayers for a safe deployment!!! We love you Uncle Kris!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Trip to DC/VA
He was shoving them down the slit and seeing where they went!
The cats were very tolerant, thank goodness....
I had brought his nice Christmas outfit down for a photo shoot but apparently sleeping a real bed does wonders for his already crazy hair. Of course Aunt Ellie couldn't resist a photo shoot anyway and got some great shots! (I can't believe how old he looks, makes me want to cry!)
Random side update about the Maxwell.... just before Christmas he finally gave up that morning bottle, yay! He's still taking two naps and I just gave in and am fine with it. Its too cold and miserable to do anything anyway and I like having one nap to get chores done and one nap to sleep myself! He finally got his 5th and 6th teeth in at the top, the two next to the middle ones but that's still it for now. He's eating well and sleeping well (as long as its in his crib) and doing great!