Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nate's Birthday

Sunday was Nate's birthday so we had some fun. His dad came out and the boys had a blast playing together!! Nate made out great getting a whole bunch of gift cards (his favorite present!), he's even spent some already. Max also gave him a night of snowboarding which he's using Friday so I think he had a good birthday.

He was a great helper. This was actually just an I Tunes GC but I felt like he should have something to unwrap!

Of course Max thought it was a great present!

Cake time!

Who says you can't eat ice cream cake with your hands???

Max even scored a gift for daddy's B-day!

Lots of fun with Grandpa...

Friday, February 12, 2010


Max and I both had check ups this week so I figured I would update everyone.

Mine is less exciting, everything is going well. I have gained 20lbs which seems like a lot to me at this point but its been harder to control this time because it comes in spurts instead of gradual weight gain. I was measuring 24 inches which is only one inch bigger than I should be (I'm 23 weeks and it should measure your weeks) and they're not concerned at all so everything is looking good. Baby girl is taking after her brother and really being active these days, I woke up to a full dance party the other morning. But its always comforting to feel her move.

Max also had his 15 month check up today (though he's 16 months this week). Going to the Dr's with him is a nightmare. I know probably no child likes going but Max has always had an issue with anyone fussing at him so he's basically hysterical as soon as the nurse or Dr walks in. I don't mean while he gets his shots, I mean while they weigh, measure, listen to heart beat, check ears, etc.... Its awful and I feel so bad for the Dr but there isn't too much we can do, he just can't even begin to calm himself down. He did have to get 2 shots and he actually takes those fairly well since they're fast. He measured 32 inches (64%) and 21lbs 13.6oz (10%). We knew he went through a growth spurt (poor kid does have the long torso and short legs like his mama) but he can now reach things more and more and we have to be even more careful. His weight always amazes me though because he doesn't seem skinny at all and I still find it truly sad how heavy babies are these days. Max has always eaten way more than most kids I know too so who knows. He looks just perfect to us:)

Some of the things he's up to:
-Like I said, he reaches things on tables and counters. The other week I came in to the kitchen to see him sitting on the floor in an empty pizza box that I had left on the counter never thinking he could possibly reach it.
-He talks all the time, he knows lots of animal sounds, is starting to learn colors if he's in the mood, and the nice thing (though can be frustrating if I can't tell what he means) is that he is really starting to ask for things (juice, egg, etc.) which makes it nicer, instead of having to give him 20 things he can tell us better what he wants to eat. He also likes to sing when he's in the mood.
-Speaking of eating, he's getting good at feeding himself with a spoon. I got him bigger spoons with a curvy handle and when he gets them right side up he is able to feed himself quite a bit (we basically use cups of applesauce or stage 2 fruits and veggies). We loose a lot on the bib but I think its a great start.
-He has become terrible with eating veggies however. He loves his fruit and is a good eater but he's just not into vegetables. He's never really liked real ones (and I've tried ALLLLL of them) though he still gets whatever one we're eating on his tray at night just in hopes some day he'll eat it. But then he also decided he wasn't too into eating the baby food ones either. If I don't push it I can sneak half a jar in sometimes but what we're apparently lucky for (the Dr was impressed) is that he loves his V8Fusion (the one that tastes like fruit but has veggies) so he drinks a lot of that and takes his vitamin so the Dr says that's fine.
-He continues to impress us with some of the things he thinks of. He feeds and gives drink to his farm animals, little people and stuffed animals; he even gives his bed Grover paci (cause paci's stay in bed still!). He pretends to be asleep and snore. He puts his own hands up or blanket up and plays peek a boo. He break dances (with no direction, its just in his blood!) And he still just loves his cars and trucks, especially match box and hot wheels. He still loves his baths and water and has started a bit of karate kicking in the tub now...
-He still only has SIX teeth. He's had his hand seemingly half way down his throat lately so we assume he's getting some back ones finally. He seems to do just fine with what he has though.
- He still takes 2 naps a day. I always think we're working in to just one longer one but just when I think he's ready he'll start sleeping really well for 2 naps. At this point it just doesn't matter much. We miss a few play dates, and he was pretty flexible in FL if we were doing something but this time of year there isn't much going on anyway so 2 naps is fine. Personally I kinda like it cause I do my chores during the first one and then rest during the second one so it works out pretty well. At night he's usually asleep between 8 and 8:30pm and wakes around 7 or 7:30am and rarely wakes up, even with teething and being sick so we're lucky with that.

So anyway, that's what is going on here. I have no new pictures, the poor child has had a cold for a week and has hardly left the house. He's going a bit stir crazy (at what age are they no longer allowed to do laps back and forth the sofa??:)) We have tried coloring with crayons for something new, its a slow process. I also grabbed some balloons at the dollar store, amazing what things excite them! At this point the snow is still way to high for him to play in anyway so we'll wait till it melts a bit... and then wait till spring when we can finally get outside again!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow Tastes Better Than Sand

So we have the blizzard of 2010! I didn't mind at all actually (probably cause I'm not really allowed to shovel!) but really if its going to be cool and I have nothing to do it may as well snow. Of course we're always plowed and shoveled out in a day so by Sunday morning it was fine.
Poor Max had a pretty bad cough and what I can only guess a sore throat Saturday so he was kind of miserable but we didn't want him to miss out on the snow so we brought it in for him!

This is his "whoa' face, he did a lot of that at first.

It wasn't long till he was eating it.... I figure it had to be better than the sand he ate last weekend!
Daddy made it in from shoveling and got a special treat too...

We're lucky enough to have 2nd cousins who outgrow some of their cool play things. Max just loves his new tool bench!

I hope not too many carpenters wear it like this...

Friday, February 5, 2010


Since Nate's mom, step dad and Grandma have had the wonderful opportunity to rent a beach cottage for two months in Indian Rocks Beach, FL, we were lucky enough to get a nice trip down there to visit! The cottage is just one alley way in from the ocean and it was very quaint and just adorable. Nate's grandma from CO had the upstairs, which is a bit smaller but perfect for her and Nate's mom and step dad had the downstairs (which had an extra bedroom for their visitors) complete with a big screened in front porch and a nice back "yard" with a deck.

Unfortunately we didn't have the best weather but we did have one nice day, Friday where we got the opportunity to go visit my Grandmother who was only about 25 mins away and go swimming in her pool and got to have a picnic outside and play in the outdoor shower. Saturday and Monday were rainy (though we found a really nice mall with a sweet indoor play place Monday in Clearwater) and Sunday it didn't rain but we had a very cool visit to the zoo; but we did have a nice time. Its always nice to get away and have moms and grandmas take care of you:)

Max did good on the plane ride down. He slept most of the way and woke up in time to eat lunch and watch the landing. When we got there was pretty nice too, we went right to the beach. Max just LOVED the beach and sand and water. He wasn't bothered at all by it being cold and would have jumped right in if Grandma wasn't holding him back! He also LOVED the sand, playing with it, eating it, rolling in it, digging in it....

Swimming at my grandmother's condo pool. Luckily the pool is heated, it was cool when you got out cause of the breeze!

We had water dripping out of the low nozzle there and of course there is always something to shovel!

Of course he doesn't mind the cold water dripping on his head....

Our back yard picnic, complete with burgers and dogs!And then a nice sun set on the beach!

This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole trip, walking down to the beach that evening with Great Grandma. It was so nice to get those few days to visit with her. Each night we got to go up and have Max's bath in her apartment because there was no tub downstairs and we always went up and visited a little first. It was so great to see her again!

Sunday it didn't rain so we had planned to go to the zoo. We figured there would be less breeze inland but it was COLD. Its an awesome zoo and Max loved the animals but I think even they are tired of the cooler weather!

This was so cute, the baby feedin with mama!

The penguins may have been happy...

Max's almost twin!

Max's favorite part was getting to feed the giraffes, he LOVED it and it was pretty neat how you were at their level!

And the 2nd best part was getting to pet the goats.... we have to work on "rub" as opposed to "slap"....

Max thinking he's a big kid at the indoor mall playground and riding on the firetruck!

Never too cold for the beach right?

Some family shots, Max was in a cheesin mood!

Some more cute ones with Great Grandma...
The plane ride back didn't go quite as well as the way down. We timed it for his pm nap and
had him all fed and played out (they had another indoor playground at the airport!) but he never did fall asleep. For some of the time he relaxed and watched his Ya Gaba Gaba on the I Touch and read some books but then he got rather rammy but kept his frustration outbursts to a minimum considering how bad it could have been. Of course we were all happy to be home (and in separate rooms again). Max has still been sleeping a ton to catch up on his sleep. So now we're back to snow instead of sand. I love the warm weather but to me there's not much difference between 35-65 degrees so if its going to be cool, it might as well snow, which its doing right now for sure!