Saturday, May 12, 2012

Spring happenings...

I realized I have a lot to catch up on from the spring!  Things are moving right along in our house.  Aliyah finally, at 22 months, gave up the morning nap so we're happy to have our mornings now.  We're also thankful for nice weather so we can be outside!  I forget we have to teach Max to ride a bike.  We have a parking lot across the street that is open all weekend long so we went over one Friday evening and Max did great on Luke's old big wheel.  He loved it.
How blessed are we to share yet another birthday with mom-mom mom-mom!  And happy to help blow out candles of course!
Today we went to the zoo.  We were hoping to meet up with some cousins from Richmond but they had some stuff come up so we postponed a visit with them and decided to go anyway.  Nate stayed back to paint the front porch which needed it desperately and we finally had a nice weekend to do it but my mom and I had a mother's day outing and took the kids.  I am SO blessed to have such wonderful children who we can already take on long day trips.  They travel well in the car, are great while we're out and they're so easily entertained.  They just love everything we do.  And they also take great car naps.  Aliyah will even fall asleep in the stroller and not wake up as I move her to the car.  They were excited to see the elephant and lions and zebras!

Looking for monkeys crossing overhead but he never ventured across...


They were very excited for the elephant.  Aliyah's face just lit up with every animal she saw!
Touching leopard fur, took a minute but they both got into it.

A highlight, finger eating bear statue...

Not to be left out


After countless conversations about there not being dinosaurs at the zoo, this is what happens....