Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hershey Park Day

Each year Comcast has a free Hershey Park day.  We went one time when Max was just about 9 months old and it hadn't worked out since.  I'm so glad it did this year.  While we wouldn't pay the normal price to get in, we really enjoyed the trip.  The weather was perfect (80 and sunny) and there are a ton of kids' rides.  It was so cute to see Max brave enough to ride some by himself and really sweet to see them ride some together:)

His first order of business was the train ride.

Aliyah made sure her baby was seated also.

Max's first solo ride, he loved it!

One of Aliyah's favorites cause it has a lady bug.

So proud of Max for riding this by himself!  That's him in the back!

Loved when they rode together:)

Max was so excited the baseball "green guy" was going to be there he carried his stuffed one around the park all day!

Aliyah photo shoot

Figured I'd put these in another post, Aunt Ellie's TWO pics...

Aliyah turns TWO!

I can't believe my little princess is TWO!  She's such a beautiful sweet girl who really keeps us on our toes.  We were a bit spoiled with Max but other's have told me this is the norm for the 2nd being a girl:)  She is very bright, sings half the day and can just be so sweet.  She does however have her moments.  She's not so easily diverted like Max was and has a lot of sass.  I'm sure this will come in handy some day:)  I just love seeing them grow up together and while they drive each other crazy they are also so cute playing together too.  She goes in and out of her eating weeks, sometimes she eats almost nothing except fruit but it could be worse!  She also started in the toddler Sunday school class at church which I think she likes.  She is doing great on the potty.  She sits on there a few times a day if we think about it and gets very excited when she goes.  She's in pull-ups all the time.  I just need a week or so of no plans to really work with her.  We just have such a busy summer it's tough.  I think we're off to a great start though since she's still so young.  It makes me a little sad to know I have no more babies but even just loosing the am nap really opens up the day to do stuff and I love moving on to the next stages together.  We're just so blessed to have been given such precious children. 

Max couldn't wait to give her the gifts he picked out for her, the squishy lizard and Hello Kitty shirt.

One of her favorite dinners:)

Showing off her new stuff!

She doesn't like cake so I tried brownies, she didn't eat them either but daddy sure did a great job decorating it!

Then we headed down to Aunt Ellie's for the weekend to celebrate with our cousins!

Enjoying a morning swing~

Aunt Ellie sure picked the perfect outfit!

Fun birthday legos from Grandma!

Kitty in a purse completes the outfit...

Didn't eat the peanut butter pie either, except the chocolate pieces on top!

Best part of Grandma's present!

Some fun pool time

And Aunt Ellie always has crafts...

Two stats: 35.25" tall (80%), 25lbs (24%)