Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Its a BOY!!!

Well....... its a little Nate JR in there! And I do mean that in all ways that I can. We have been blessed with a very healthy baby boy (and healthy mom!) measuring up to the expected due date of Oct 16th. He truly is a little Swanson too as twice now he was named so: at the Dr's last week when they couldn't find the heartbeat for a while and he deemed him a "trickster", and today with the movements and stuff he was doing, the nurse called him a "jokester"..... just what I need, another one!

Here are some pictures, I hope you can see them ok. Nate was somehow amazing at picking everything out while I basically found the hands and feet until she pointed stuff out (and then I got about half of it!) He had his fists up a lot and was doing some waving at us. The one picture there is 3D, she did a little of that for us at the end too.

And now I don't have any excuses to be growing as large and wide as I am, but here's the family at 19 weeks!

Sorry, we do have to keep a few things to ourselves. We won't be telling any names; we have some ideas and want to get a few more. And to be honest, I'm not sure we'll know for sure till we meet our sweet thing in person and see just who he may look like. But rest assured, while it will be original, it will not be anything weird or crazy!


sunnykim said...


this is THE news i've been waiting for!!! CONGRATS, mommy and daddy!!!

he's ADORABLE!!! (i love ultrasound pics)

i'm so glad you started this blog :)

you look BEAUTIFUL, karen, by the way! okay, i have to stop writing in exclamation points, but i am soooooooo excited for you!!!

Kelly said...
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Ellie said...

Yeah! He's so cute! We can't wait to meet him!

Style Police said...

Congrats - how exciting! Can't wait to met him... & glad there are no weird & wonderful names on the horizon! XXX

sunnykim said...

karen, did you know my birthday is october 16th? if you do a baby pool, that's my date!!!