A week early but he's here!!!! Maxwell Kenneth Swanson, born at 12:48pm on October 9th. He was 6lbs 14oz and 18 inches long. He's perfect! I lost my plug on Wednesday and we went to the mall to walk around after work. When we got home I was lying up in bed while Nate was in the shower and felt my water break so we called the doctor and went in. I was only having tightening contractions but they want you if your water breaks. So we went and got all checked in and settled. I took a shower to get ready too and after a little while they hooked me up to pitocin and an IV to prepare for an epidural. I was shortly having real contractions and by 3:30am I was 4 cms dilated. I waited a while and finally got the epidural about 6am or so. I wouldn't have minded the contractions as much if I didn't have to be almost laying in the bed. I had a few problems with it, getting shocks down my right leg but it took quickly and was wonderful. My legs and feet were Totally numb. I pumped it a few times when I could feel a lot of pain in contractions again but had no other side effects. I actually thought it was cool to feel what I did. By the time the mid wife checked in again in the morning, I was already 10cms and just about ready to push. Pushing went longer than we wanted but in just over 2 hours he was here. I could feel the pressure from contractions to know when to push and could feel exactly where he was (just going in and out and in and out, but not staying out of course). I could even feel him come out completely. We had a really nice nurse who was very encouraging (and impressed I never complained, there didn't seem much point, all I wanted to do was push to get him out anyway) and the mid wife was great too. Unfortunately it was an oddly VERY busy day for the hospital so she didn't get to spend as much time with me as she would have wanted but we were fine. The grandmas came in quickly after and we were all doing well and moved to the maternity ward. Nate did awesome. He watched while I pushed to encourage me and he even cut the cord (which he was Sure he wouldn't do).
Max is awesome, he sleeps a lot and rarely fusses or cries. The labor nurses just gushed over him and of course we think he'sthe most beautiful thing ever. He's kinda getting the hand of breastfeeding but my milk hasn't come in yet and often he just falls asleep when we try. He seems to "get it" though so hopefully it will go ok.
Nate is being the best dad ever and just loves him to death of course. I'm doing ok.... I had a tear to stitch up and I'm allergic to motrin, which seems to be the only antiinflamitory the hospital has so I'm just on tylenol for pain which doesn't help the swelling. I'm also having some bladder issues and finally have a catheter in which is actually a big comfort right now and we're waiting for the Dr.
So thats the story so far....thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
CONGRATS KAREN & NATE!!!! You rock girl, you did it!!!! I am sooo happy for you! I bet you are in baby bliss about now. Enjoy it, mama!
CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY AND DADDY!! I am so happy for you both!! And it sounds like it went fairly well, which is awesome. Hope your first week goes well, I'll be thinking about you!
Yaay! Congrats! Sounds like a drama free delivery! And what a great looking baby!!!!!!
Awwwwwwww, Karen, he is so adorable. I want to come over there and pick him up right now. He does look just like Nate! Sounds like you had a smooth delivery, which is great!
I am so happy for all three of you! Congratulations!
you did GREAT mommy! great job, daddy, too! max is adorable!!!
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