Thursday, October 30, 2008

Two week Dr's visit

We were told we have a "solid" baby! By the two week visit they're to be up to their birth weight again, he is up to 8lbs which is over a pound over his birth wait. I think that means the 8 hours a day he spends "attached" to me seems to be working! But she did say he's solid so no rolly polly baby for us. He's also grown 2 more inches in length. We're up to a different diaper now (still newborn but different brand, its amazing how different they are) and I think I've finally figured out how to keep the pee from going everywhere! We've spent days going through up to 10 outfits, its amazing how much laundry something so small can make. Other than that he's doing great. We've had a few outings now and he's been perfect. We even have some nights where I think I'm getting about 6 hours of sleep. I don't know what I'd give for 3 consecutive hours but I take what I can get at this point.
Here are a few firsts:
His first bath (his cord finally fell off and he kinda likes being IN the warm water if you don't catch him when he's hungry)

This was the first solo mommy and Max outing, to our neighbor's baby shower, it was weird to be dressed....


Ellie said...

Awww- what a cute little belly button- he looks great!

sunnykim said...

gotta love breast-milk poo, doncha?

you look great, karen! (and you looked great after a day and night giving birth, by the way)