I can't believe he's a whole month already!
My how things have changed. Even reading back on the blog, things seem to change every day. We have no "normal" or routine or schedule or anything. Not the easiest for a control freak but probably good for me every now and then. He still eats every 1-4 hours and often for an hour at a time. I've finally broken down and ordered an electric pump so we can start pumping a lot more and taking bottles more often (which he takes in about 10 minutes) so we don't have to spend 8 hours a day eating and we'll be able to plan things a bit more. Its a little sad, he really just loves nursing and its 50% a comfort thing so he's never in a big hurry. But the little bugger has a serious temper so when he wants to nurse, you better be ready!
We figure at the rate he's going he'll be running around the house by Christmas. When laying down on his back, if you let him grip your fingers he'll put himself completely up, multiple times. His other fun trick is that he can hold himself up so when you have him up on your chest he likes to push away and show you that you don't need to hold his head. The scariest thing was the other day at tummy time he was actually wiggling himself a bit forward. He's stronger than I am when I'm trying to bend his limbs for dressing.
He has fussier days and often has some gas issues but other than being hungry or gassy he's pretty good. He loves riding in the car, it usually knocks him out.
His expressions are priceless, while sleeping or awake. He loves looking around now and he loves his music and dancing. We still love to fall asleep together with him laying on my chest and we allow it sometimes as long as he'll still go down in his cradle and pack and play when we need him too. We both just sleep so much better that way cause he loves the contact and I don't have to watch him if he's right on my chest. Its a shame they have to sleep on their backs now cause he loves being the other way.
Its great to have Mom-Mom here to help, she entertains him a lot and he gives her a lot of funny looks. And daddy just can't wait to get home to see his boy.
I just can't believe how much he's grown!
We'll be taking pictures with George every month.
This was 3 days old!
I love that second picture of him with George- I have to have one of those. He looks so different, I can't wait to see him at Thanksgiving!
3 day old photo...priceless!
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