Thursday, February 19, 2009

Getting better!

Thank goodness our little guy is getting better. We're even getting some smiles back! Tuesday night was rough but we had a good Dr's visit yesterday and he was quite pleased with his progress. Apparently a lot of these cases haven't been going too well, I can't imagine it much worse, poor families! I guess they end up in the hospital. We only have to do the nebulizer twice a day for another day or so and he has no ear infection (which often comes with this because it creates so much mucus). You can tell he's in a lot less pain too, his cough is still bad but it doesn't make him cry like it had been. Last night he got some good solid cough free sleep. He has lost almost a pound so we have to bulk him back up! He's not eating nearly as much but I'm trying to feed him more often since he only wants a little at a time.
The only bad thing is this is contagious, but in its adult form its just a cold. Of course a week of him coughing in our faces, Nate, my mom and I have all caught it so that just adds to our sleep deprived fun but I'd take it 10x worse if it means Max is better!!!
So we'll continue with our lots of rest (he sleeps a lot!) because we have to get better. Grandma has been back in town with Great Grandma for 3 days now and we still haven't seen them:( Tomorrow I will do my best to de-germ the house before they, Aunt Ellie and family and Grandpa all come over for Nate's B-day party!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

So glad to hear he's feeling better. Tell him Aunt Ellie will save her "photo shoot" for the next the visit:)Let us know if there is anything we can do/bring to help on Saturday.