Sunday, February 15, 2009


Just a quick Max update. He ended up being pretty sick. We canceled our weekend plans. We were all packed and ready to go and our hearts couldn't take our boy coughing all the way to the turnpike so we turned around and came home and are very glad we did. We ended up at the Dr's this afternoon (Sunday). He has a respiratory viral infection. Luckily she didn't seem too concerned. We just have to make sure he doesn't start wheezing or have any breathing problems. He's had a steady fever around 100 and a cough, runny nose and diarrhea. And he basically just sleeps a lot, poor thing. You can tell he's miserable but breaks into a smile every now and then. On top of all that, we noticed at the Dr's office that he has cradle cap, which she said the virus could have activated so now we have to take care of his head. It just breaks our hearts to see such a little baby so sick but the good thing is for us that he's all about us comforting him and Mr. "On the go" just wants to cuddle all day, which we glaldy accept. So keep him in your prayers please!


Ellie said...

Poor baby. Tell him he's got to rest and get strong becuase he's got company this weekend:) Luke's got a cough too so I'm hoping it doesn't make the rounds but so far he's the only one with it and it's a dry cough.

Unknown said...

I hope he feels better soon. I will pray for him. Stuff must be going around - Nina's eye started watering today along with one side of her nose running.