Our little boy is growing up so fast. We had two big changes this weekend. First, he slept through the night.... well from 8:45pm-5:45am so I consider that a whole night. And he's been consistent now 3 nights sleeping until 5:30-6am so I think this is his new schedule. He's been doing so well too, not waking up at all (knock on wood). And then after he nurses, he has been going back down to sleep until about 8am.
And since his schedule was changing and he's skipping a whole feeding, we obviously decided to start cereal this weekend. Its been pretty funny. He was pretty scared of it at first but he was eating it, he just cried some in between. By the 3rd day now he's getting it down pretty well and eating a full 1/2 tablespoon bowl (mixed with breast milk of course) and liking it a lot better. Lucky for me cereal is just sloppy and white, I'm not looking forward to orange and purple mess all over the place! So he eats his cereal when he wakes up about 8am and then some more after he nurses in the evening. We've also upped his bottles to 8oz which he sucks down, during the day at least. Other than that he's pretty much back on the same eating schedule with his mid-morning, mid-afternoon, evening and nighttime nursing/bottle. We still haven't been able to work out a napping schedule and he's not too fond of his crib during the day, which makes it harder but all in all we're pretty lucky to have such an easy baby. Every once in a while we're still having those nursing problems but I just let him cry and he eats eventually and its nothing like the 45 mins it took me the other week. He's a fast learner:)
So that's our update of the week, its fun watching him change so much. My mom can get him to do "So Big", at least one handed, and he's really reaching for stuff and for people so its cute. He's just a lot of smiles and fun these days!
(HA! This blog jinxes me! I posted this Tuesday night and of course this morning, Wednesday, he woke up at 4:30am to eat again.... I guess its a work in progress....)
Any time I told people about Nina sleeping through the night or doing better - she would go backwards the next night. :-) I would say I jinxed myself as well.
What a face in that first picture!!! What fun to move on to another phase;)
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