Sunday, June 28, 2009

Father's Day/Pool/Hershey Park

A week late, but Happy Father's Day!!!

Look at my cute matching boys:)

Porch pool is finally warm enough for Max to swim in. What a water baby we have!

Saturday was Comcast Day at Hershey Park so we get in for free (the only way we'd go!). Max took a train ride with daddy (which he was completely indifferent to) and we walked around the zoo. Max only took a liking to the animals that moved which were the prairie dogs and bobcat. We were only there a short while but in the coming years I think we'll really appreciate that free day there!

Our MN countdown is 4 days!!! We got out the suitcases.... my biggest challenge ever is to fit all of our stuff into two of them. Max needs one of his own!!! Of course Max also learned how to do some serious babble in the last 2 days. I'm pleased to announce he rambles "mama" constantly....I'm not too proud to admit I don't think it has anything to do with me. He has also learned how to sit himself up which is kind of nice actually because we had to keep doing it. He's not quite crawling yet but will be soon. Friday when he was supposed to be napping I went in to check on him and he was squatting down in the corner of his crib trying to pull himself up. Needless to say dad had to lower the mattress again. Keeping our fingers crossed for a 3 hour plane ride!!!!!

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Happy Father's Day, Nate. I'm glad Max is enjoying the summer! See you soon:)