Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Max's Party

Well, God has a sense of humor....Friday we had a beautiful day setting up for the party since we knew we may get some rain. Saturday we woke up to freezing wind, which though it did get warmer, the rain started about 2pm and just continued for the rest of the day. Luckily it was an open house so the first group of people got to be out under the tents for a little while. But, since you had to go through the "shade" canopies to get to the good water proof one, by the 3rd hour or so the shade canopies were wet through and everyone was basically in the house or on the porches (thank goodness for big porches!). We did have about 10 people cancel last minute (we missed you guys! Lots of bugs going around); I believe I still counted 46 adults and children in total. So....either everyone was just trying to be nice because they knew I was so disappointed about the rain, or they were being sincere, but everyone said they had a nice time. It was total chaos but we had fun. And most importantly, Max did great despite the craziness. He kinda clung to mom, dad, grandmas or Aunt Ellie but spent lots of time down playing with all his friends (who he was a little iffy about sharing all his toys with, especially the new ones!). We were so proud of him for being such a good boy and he's still sleeping well from it days later to recover, lol! He did like his cake, took him a little while to "get it" but then he surly made a nice cake mess and enjoyed eating it off my fingers. We got lots of great stuff and just want to thank everyone for all the wonderful gifts and putting up with the craziness!

And the best part is, that he's not really one yet so I don't have to get too worked up about it for another week or so!

Now... the VERY unfortunate part is that I didn't realize I hadn't taken pictures until the last hour or so, so despite our "shanty town" in the back yard, all the fun decorations and proof of 46 people in and out of my house.... I don't have much to show for it other than photographer Aunt Ellie snapping lots of shots of the B-day boy. So here's what we have!

You could rent Grandpa Ken out to entertain at kids parties!

And balloons are always a hit!

It took a little coaxing from mom's finger, till he learned how yummy and messy it was!

Max had lots of help!

It was fun to be making breakfast Sunday morning and hearing all the new toys playing... but only for about 5 minutes...Sometimes he even found the presents (instead of the card envelopes and wrapping paper...)

It was a little overwhelming for him.... he probably just stole this back from his bud Colbie:)

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