Monday, November 16, 2009

Max's first hair cut

So it was time.... the hair was out of control and my hair dresser offered so I took her up on it. He wasn't such a huge fan. He liked the big chair and the cool drape but once the scissors came out he ended up on my lap and I had to hold his hands down so she could just get a quick cut in. All I wanted was the ears and front trimmed so it was a success.

For those who thought it was awful to cut his hair already, here is a good before shot:

before scissors:

starting to wonder what is going on....

and the after shot, MUCH better!!!

This just cracks us up when he does this, can't get any closer to your toys huh.... (and yes, he's holding a lolly pop but he didn't know it was candy... of all the things he puts in his mouth, he never tried with this!!)

1 comment:

Ellie said...

man, he is giving you a look! he looks like such a big boy with his hair cut!