Thursday, July 1, 2010

Settling in....

So we're settling in here in the Swanson household! Max is adjusting well, a few temper tantrums but they're short lived and those phases don't usually last too long. Its been so nice having lots of visitors to distract him but it also makes him very sad when they go. He is liking his sister more and more. He especially loves her toys, the bouncie seat (which he can get in and out of on his own, even with the play bar on top) and now the swing. He has also started to put her paci back in which could be helpful except he still tries to shove it in when she's sleeping or doesn't want it. He's so good at playing on his own though that we don't really have an issue while I'm nursing or anything. I get a little torn dividing my attention but we work it out. He is starting to give up the morning naps finally but I still put him down to rest for a little while and every once in a while he still will take a nap. The hardest time is the middle of the day when I want him to play outside if she needs to eat or something but we're getting better at managing time and having her outside on a blanket in the shade. It is funny because I feel like I never put Max down and with a second I'm much more relaxed to leave her be for a little. She is doing well too. For most nights she sleeps well and just wakes up a few times to eat (with a few awake nights mixed in) and usually sleeps well in the bassinet which is a nice change from Max who slept on me or in his swing most of the time because he hated the cradle for some reason. I would like someone to invent a devise to keep the paci in and I'd get more sleep but we do ok. I feel great, its amazing how much easier this was from the labor to delivery to recovery even the IV in my wrist hardly hurt (and took weeks to heal with Max). Also, the fact that she nurses for 15 mins as opposed to 1 1/2 hours like Max gives me a LOT more time in the day! The Dr. wanted us to start the bottle at 2-4 weeks so I started right away and she takes it very well which is great. So besides the box of diapers miss poopy pants goes through a day we're all doing well and looking forward to a long holiday weekend ahead!

Wednesday Kate and Noah came to visit. It was fun to see the boys together. It took a while for them to warm up but they had fun!

Monday the Richmond Mogels were passing through and stopped to see their cousins!

Friday was our first big outing... we had a going away party for a couple at church (who will be truly missed!!!). My mom had bought them matching outfits so we had to show them off! I didn't get any pictures where both of them weren't crying but this was the best I got. (I was also by myself so next time they wear them we'll try for something better!)

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