She's doing great for 3 months!!! I can't believe how big and chunked she's getting. She is all smiles and really likes to look around and take things in (especially her crazy big brother). A week or two ago she really changed her schedule and dropped a feeding so we're down to 6 a day and there are a few times (mid morning and late afternoon) where she won't nurse and just wants a bottle (she drinks 5oz). So after a few days of lots of tears from both of us (Max started crying for the bottle instead of nursing around 9-10 months, NOT at 2 months yet!!) we just developed a new routine and she gets her bottles when she wants them as long as she nurses at least half the time. She's up about 3am-4am to nurse and then around 7am. Gets a bottle after Max's rest around 10:15am, nurses around 1:30pm after Max goes down and then she takes a nice long afternoon nap in her crib and gets a bottle around 4:45pm. Its nice because it frees up our evenings now and then I nurse her after they both get baths and Max goes to bed around 8pm and then she goes down around 8:30. Its a nice routine she's in. She takes a nap from about 6:30-7pm. Mornings are totally up in the air and she's not really on a nap schedule yet for them but I'm far ahead of where I was with Max at this point (especially the crib nap in the afternoon) so we're pretty content. She can roll on to her side and almost sit up on her own. She moved into 3-6 month clothes. Nate gets her laughing and sometimes Max can too.
Max is still good with her, he's starting to be "at" her a little more which he has mostly good intentions but doesn't understand she can't control what she's doing (like if he gets close and she kicks he tells her no) so I have to watch a little more closely now but they're good for the most part.
Max has changed so much over the summer, from a baby to a real little boy. He looks so much older and its so fun to watch. He talks ALL the time now (can do sentences) and repeats EVERYTHING you say. He sings and still loves to read. He really plays a lot, you can tell he's in the beginning stages of using his imagination to play and is very content just doing his own thing for a while.
On Tuesday I started back to work. Max did great at the babysitters all day, he loves it there and I'm so glad! My mom had an easy time with Aliyah who slept all day. I miss my babies like crazy but am fortunate to have a good job that I only have to do part time and have great help with the kids.
Now if I can only loose that last 15lbs....
1 comment:
Wow, I can't believe Baby is already 3months! Sounds like everything is right on track!
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