Friday, October 22, 2010


I have a ton of pictures to get on here from Kris and Wendy's visit and Max's birthday and of course an Aunt Ellie fall photo shoot but I'm not on the right computer so for now we just do the stats....

To catch up on Aliyah's 4 month:
length- 24 3/8 52%
weight-13.4lbs 40% (though I think she's gained 2 more lbs in the last 2 weeks, she filled out a lot!)
So she's pretty much perfect. Oh, she does have kind of a small head but we like it that way. Big heads on babies scare me!

For Max...

He had his 2 year check up today and boy was I proud. He has been getting slightly better at the last few dr visits but this one was great. We talked about it all morning so he was all ready to go!

weight- 25.13lbs 21% length-35 inches 64%

The visit went well, he does everything he is supposed to be doing by now and he never cried or fussed until his shots and even that was short lived once he saw the tweety bird stickers on his legs. Of course the Dr asked me if he talked (30 seconds before the Dr came in I had to tell him to be quieter so the whole office wouldn't hear him) but he gets all shy and embarrassed when the Dr comes in and won't answer any of his questions. As a special treat we went to DQ for "happy".

I have to say, I think 2 is better than the end of 1! 19-23 months had some rough patches (throwing a new born in there probably didn't help) but I feel like some of the things normally described in "terrible 2's" are already over and he's just been really good. He talks ALLLLL the time, its mentally exhausting but cute at the same time. He sings songs a lot too which I love. He gets embarrassed easily but opens up pretty quickly. He is doing very well at the sitters and has adjusted fine now to me working the 3 days (which I still would SO much rather be at home with them but it does make me really enjoy the 4 days I do have). He eats very well. I'm probably more picky than he is with wanting him to eat mostly healthy natural foods. He still doesn't eat a ton of veggies but he eats some off and on and is more than not just eating what we do. Its really nice for a small window of time (almost time for Aliyah to start) to not buy special baby food things and cook 6 things at each meal. He still loves fruit and drinks his V8 Fusion well so we're staying healthy.

He's been really cute with his "Ally" lately. He rocks her carrier and sings to her and brings her toys. He still has his jealous moments with me if I am holding her and he wants attention so the 3 of us have some interesting cuddle time but who can not like having both their kids hanging on them....most of the time:)

He has started Sunday School this fall and seems to be doing well. We go over his lessons and he knows the stories they learn so I think that's a good start. He is good at doing prayers at meals and folds his hands. He also just started story hour at the library with my mom.

Since Nate has gone back to work we've really turned the basement into play area. I'm trying to get prepared for winter. It is just so nice to be outside in the summer (our back yard looks like a pre-school). But with all the new toys he just got for his birthday we're set for a while.

Our next challenge is potty training. He sits on the potty and reads books but hasn't actually gone on it yet. I do want to focus more, I just get nervous about really keeping at him because of having Aliyah. If he has to go while I'm nursing or something than it could get complicated. Hopefully once I get serious it will go quickly and we can work it out.

For his "tricks".... he can count to 10 (sometimes to 12). He recognizes a few letters and most numbers at various times. He knows his name (and its adorable to hear him say "Max Swanson"). He knows at least a half a dozen songs. He knows tons of animals and their noises, body parts and lots of other things. He just got 3 and 4 year old flash cards for his birthday and except for the random ones (Quail??) he knows all of them. Our only issue is with colors. He just can't seem to get them. I actually asked the Dr. today if its too early to detect color blindness and he said it is and its normal for them to just focus on one or 2 colors at a time so we'll see....He remembers everything and doesn't miss a beat. It kinda scares me sometimes!!

He still doesn't have all his teeth, 2 more to come in on top and then the 2 year molars (which he'll probably be 4 till he gets) but it is cute to see the teethy smile finally!

He still loves "G" and being all grown up like he is has started to formally call him "George" now. He likes choo choos (Thomas) and Mickey. He did get a few hand me down dinos which he has taken a liking to as well as other animal figures. And he loves to read. Of course his favorites are still cars/trucks/tractors. He must have 100 matchbox cars by now. But, the "green truck" is still his favorite, he hardly ever puts it down!

We are just so blessed to have 2 great children!!

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