Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 months

5 months!

Some stats-
Length: 24 3/8 52% Weight: 13.4 40% Head 15 7/8 24%
She's doing great. She just LOVES attention and smiles at everything and everyone. Her favorite thing to do is to watch her brother. She'll turn her head almost all the way around to see what he is doing. He's really good with her too. He loves to make her laugh and is sometimes good at sharing toys. The other day she was sitting on the couch and Max was standing facing her and they were both laughing, each making the other one laugh and just kept going. It was the cutest and funniest thing since neither of them were even doing anything.
We did some big stuff this month. Besides start to bust out of 3 month clothing we rolled over (from back to belly) and started on some cereal. I knew it would come the time that she would sleep through the night and drop a feeding so in order to hold her off till her normal mid morning bottle I decided to introduce some oatmeal. She did well with it the first time I thought but then it took her a little while to really get it down. You really have to make it the right consistency for her to do well with it but she's getting it finally. It worked out well because she stayed on the same feeding schedule which just works out really well. She nurses when she first wakes up around 6:30-7am and goes back to sleep then. She eats her cereal when she wakes up (around 8:30ish give or take) and then we're still on 2 morning naps most days if she doesn't sleep in because she has a bottle mid morning (this bottle she gets formula, I just don't have enough with pumping and to keep consistency she gets formula mid morning because she had a little trouble taking to it until we really made it routine). She takes another little nap before lunch. After Max goes down about 1:15-1:30pm she nurses (or gets a pumped bottle if I'm at work) and then she goes down. They both sleep most of the afternoon so its nice. Sometimes her nap is more solid than others but its in the crib so that's a plus for us. (Even if you have to put paci back in a dozen times!) After she gets up she gets another pumped bottle around 4:45pm and then she's good until I nurse her before bed around 8pm (after Max goes down). She does take a cat nap after dinner to hold her over until bed time. So I'm very happy to stay on this schedule. Four naps is a bit much, especially since we're moved beyond the newborn stage and can't just sleep anywhere but we're doing well. Luckily both my kids like routine cause its kinda in my nature!
She's getting really good at grabbing things and brings everything to her mouth. She always has her hands and fingers in her mouth. She is getting close to sitting up by herself. She did roll over. Her legs are really strong too. Nate had her standing and let go and for a split second she actually stayed up!
Except for spitting up half of what she drinks she really is nearly a perfect baby!!
For Max.... he's great. We only have small discipline issues (which usually just involve him throwing, it seems to be his disobedient thing these days) so we work on it and for the most part he's been good. He's just getting so grown up. He'll say words that aren't in baby talk anymore and he remembers everything, even words I only told him one time he still knows them. He's just so funny, his expressions and things he does- a true mini Nate!
Max's new ride. A co-worker of Nate's gave it to us. Nate fixed it up and painted it. It needs a battery but he's content just sitting in it (and having Nate push the heavy thing around the yard of course!)

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Awwww--try to get a video clip sometime- I would've loved to have seen the gigglefest (or even just heard it!)