Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I can't believe my baby is ONE!

She loves to hold up one finger and show everyone. We've been practicing for weeks and Max has been helping to show her.

I don't have stats yet, we go in 2 weeks to the Dr. I feel like she was big at 9 months but hasn't grown much since.

She is in all 12 month clothing now. She is on the move. She can take some steps but still uses crawling as her main mode of transportation. She can say Hi and Bye now along with mama and dada. She still only has her two bottom teeth but she's getting better at small pieces of food. She doesn't like mushy stuff but her new favorite is grilled cheese (which Max eats just about every day for lunch).

I had exactly enough bags of frozen breast milk (just like I did with Max!) to last until her 1st birthday. (She has had formula also as a supplement). However, she does still nurse in the am and before bed. We'll start by dropping her mid morning bottle and then work on dropping the afternoon one (side note because its been a few days but she is NOT happy about this and does NOT want milk in a sippy cup instead of a bottle:)).

She is so sweet most of the time but she has a mean temper and lets you know when she's mad for sure. Max has some really sweet days with her and others where they are at each other ALL day long (and it does go both ways now). She still takes the morning nap at 9:30am (she first wakes up in the morning around 6:45am or 7am) and then her afternoon nap around 2pm.

She is loving being outside and swinging in her swing and playing in the sand or pool.

Its just so funny that she is becoming a little person. I really can't believe I have a 1 and 2 year old. I miss my babies but its so fun to be moving on to new stages and kinda glad I don't have to go back to that. Even now just working between 2 naps and all our meals and snacks its a crazy schedule and I do look forward to be moving on from here to be more flexible.

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