Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mogel Family Reunion weekend

Well, this winter was a little tough for the Mogel holiday get together.... it was the first one since we sold mom-mom's house but since we all like to be together we worked it out. Most of the VA/NY gang stayed in Harrisburg between my mom's and our house and we had a blast. The kids had so much fun playing together and Max loves when people sleep over! (We did miss Michelle though but glad she stayed home and let her back heal.). Saturday we had brunch at my mom's and then took a trip to Chocolate World in Hershey. We had dinner back at our house. Sunday we headed in to catch up with the rest of the family and visited with mom-mom. Unfortunately her place was in lock down due to a bug going around but we were able to meet at the Chapel. It was great to see Katie's growing belly and meet Ryan's fiancee Tracey and just have almost the whole family together! Can't wait for the next one!!!

Kids enjoying late Christmas gifts!

Hoping someone got a better shot!

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