Sunday, September 9, 2012

Random summer days

This is how I make dinner some days...I know I'll miss it so I try to step around them.  Often they get out all the pots and bang on them to entertain themselves in the pre-dinner hour!
A humble princess...

The Saturday morning after 3 late nights of Bible School, they sure had a blast though!

Aliyah was playing upstairs by herself for a while and this is what I found.  (Right at the top of the stairs of course)
 As a client appreciation (we use the Hilton for events at work) they had a thank you family night.  An hour at the Whitaker Center after hours and then some yummy food at the Hilton.  The kids had a blast!

A beautiful summer day relaxing waiting for daddy to get home from work.

The annual church camping trip.  We cheat and just go for the day!

And of course a trip to Grandpa's pool!

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