Saturday, April 26, 2014


Of course, the start of every Easter is dying eggs!

Good Friday we had an egg hunt with some friends at Taylor and Brynn's house.  It was a little chilly, but had a great time!

 Strahan, Swanson, Miller & Kirkpatrick kids!

The Easter Bunny came!

The Easter bunny hides the eggs we dye.

Happy Easter!  This year the kids sang "Thine be the Glory" in church.  It was the toughest song they've done yet, but they did an awesome job.  They were some great lyrics to help the kids further "study" the Easter story so I'm glad they were able to learn them.  I'm so proud of them!

Since we had no plans for Easter day, my mom took us out to lunch after church and then after naps we had another egg hunt on the front porch:)

 Saturday before Easter Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda invited us up.  It was a nice day and we enjoyed a really nice visit.  Complete with another egg hunt and baseball practice! 

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