Saturday, September 6, 2014


 Well, the day finally came!  This boy is in kindergarten!  He was so excited so it was just so cute.  I think the day was harder on daddy than mommy, but I'm so grateful that he was totally fine and we didn't have to deal with him being upset.  We're really lucky to find out he got one of the best kindergarten teachers so that's a big blessing!  We've had a long 2 weeks, dealing with being hungry (he has a metabolism issue and needs to eat often) and no naps and being structured all day, but we're working into a routine and getting it down.  I SO wish it wasn't full day K, it's just too much for kids this age who have never done day care, but we'll get used to it and he is loving it so that's what matters!

And then, this one started Pre-School on the SAME day!  Emotional overload for mom and dad:).  Of course she knew the teacher and is very familiar with the school since Max went there for 2 years.  She was also excited and is having a lot of fun so that makes us happy too:)

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