Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mogel Reunion winter 2015

Another fun tradition is our post Christmas family gathering with my mom's side of the family.  I can remember years ago when the VA folks would come up the day after Christmas and stay a few days.  Most of us would sleep at mom-mom's house and somehow we all fit!  Since we've doubled in numbers since those days, we generally cannot coordinate schedules until a few weeks after Christmas and without mom-mom's house, we now do it in Harrisburg, but it's still just as special to have everyone get together!  I know this makes her happy up there!

 Missing Becky (weather was iffy and she didn't want to risk the drive), Kate (had her 3rd baby girl Eddie 3 days after this), and Kris (of course in CA).

The VA "kids" got to enjoy real snow!

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