Tuesday, June 30, 2015

So much in spring!

We've had a lot going on the last few months, here is just a selection!

In May Max had his school concert.  He did a great job and even came home with Music Student of the Month (complete with a pick from the toy jar:))

For Easter my mom decided instead of doing baskets for us she's buy the clipper discount tickets to Disney on Ice.  It was similar to the show we saw before but they do a great job and the kids loved it of course!

 We try to get down to DC each year for the Cherry Blossoms.  The kids are learning to love the city as much as I do.  Nate wasn't feeling well so he didn't come, but the kids and I went in for a few hours and then met Barbara for dinner.

The highlight of the trip for them was probably taking the metro.  I really didn't feel like driving in to the city on a weekend, but it was quite a lot of walking (I don't like taking the stroller on the metro) and a lot of carrying Aliyah on my shoulders:).

This was them drawing the things they saw that afternoon:)

Here were some Easter gift art projects they were working on.

Nate read that if you plant jelly beans, they turn in to lollipops on Easter, can you believe it actually worked???

A wonderful Resurrection Day celebrating our Lord!

Leaving the goods out for the Easter Bunny!

He came!

Left a basket for mittens too.

Really excited for our first Field Trip ever!  Had a blast taking these adorable group of boys around Zoo America! 

Kids are enjoying being outside finally!

There was an open house night at Max's school.  This was a great opportunity for Aliyah (who missed K registration when we were in Atlanta) to get to check out all the classrooms! 

One thing that is sort of nice about spring is being tied to the house on Saturdays because of T-Ball games.  It helps us get a lot of stuff done.  Max is having a great year.  Something clicked in the off season and he's doing an amazing job.  He and his buddy Jacob are more than ready for the next level and we look forward to next year of getting more in to some real play.

Trying to get out of the house one morning, at first glance I was about to scold Aliyah for making a mess and not getting ready.  Then I realized what she had set up and of course we had to take a moment to celebrate random (actually was mine) pink whale's birthday with a nice breakfast!  She is too much!

She was SOOO excited it was finally her turn for take your kids to work day.  She got dressed up and packed her little purse and had a super fun hour with daddy in the office:).

A fun dinner out when Aunt Julie came to visit!

The kids got on a kick of helping the community.  Trying to think of ideas I came up with picking up trash on our walk which seemed to suffice.  They were very proud!

We had a wonderful Mother's Day lunch at the Olive Garden.

On our last full day of Aliyah and mommy we went to gymnastics, picnic lunch at the park and got hair cuts.  I will be forever thankful for the part time schedule I've been able to keep while the kids were little.  I can't imagine if I didn't have my extra days with them.  I'm very thankful that my mom made herself available to take them on the 3 days I do work too.  It makes me very sad to think that she'll be in school all day next year too.  I don't get nearly as sad about them growing up as I do about simply missing them.  Max had a blast in K, but I just missed having him around the days I was home.  I have cherished this year of much needed special girls' days too.  I can't ever get back those years that are now gone and I am happy to say I look back with only happy memories of our time together!

A fun evening with some really good friends!

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