Tuesday, July 5, 2016

School Happenings

Lots of events in the Spring.... 

The first is the Education Night.  The kids get to show off their classrooms and all their specials.  (Also some special guests at the book fair!)  They both have such awesome teachers, we couldn't be happier with the school.   Aliyah has Max's teacher from last year so we were familiar and she did an amazing job with 25 students!  Aliyah did very well in school this year, far above average.  Her only issue was the chattiness and length of time it took to get answers out (again, due to her overuse of words!).  She made lots of good friends and had a great year.  Max was blessed to have possibly the best teacher in the school.  He is right on average with all his reading and math skills.  We had a lot of anxiety issues this year (all stemming from the bus, not the school) and some health issues in the spring (prolonged ear infection leading to throat and stomach problems) and his teacher did an amazing job helping us out and making him/us feel comfortable.  We really hope for Aliyah to get her next year!!

With all the field trips, end of year parties, and field days I wasn't able to take them all off.  Mom-mom stepped in and took a group of 7 year olds to a zoo of a science museum all cause she loves this little guy:).
 Aliyah on stage for her spring concert.  Just where she likes to be!

Max's jungle concert, rar!

I was able to go on Aliyah's field trip to Zoo America.  I only had her and her best friend TaMya so we had a great morning at the zoo!

Sara Lindemuth and Holtzman combined Mayfair's this year, kids had a fun afternoon!

And just like that they're 1st and 2nd graders!  Last day!

Breaking through the crepe paper finish line!

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