Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Labor Day

Our church always does a great job throwing a community Labor Day picnic.  Each year new fun is added.  It was a beautiful day!


We are so blessed with this wonderful back yard.  Nate has built a fire pit, swing set complete with sandbox and hammock stand.  We were so grateful for all the help our friends provided for the move and we were happy that some of them were able to come over on Sunday.  We had a great picnic, the weather held out and it was fun to have plenty of room to host over 30 people easily!

Back to school....

It was an odd summer, the kids were just amazing through all the transition.  We're very proud of them!  There were two very excited kids this morning.  Max moves up to elementary so he's at a new school this year.  But he found out his best friend (been in class together in 1st & 2nd and lives 2 doors down from my mom so they played together all summer) is in his class.  I never saw two happier boys than at back to school night! There are 9 3rd grade classes so that was a huge blessing to have him there.  Since it's a new bus stop too, there is also a boy from our Spring soccer team at his bus stop and in his class so they could find their way together which helped each any nerves.  They both have great teachers and we're really excited.  Aliyah had a right few first night, but I truly believe it was just over stimulation and by mid-week she was loving school as usual.  We're thankfully off to a great start!


We're learning new things here from the previous owners.  They have fruit tress in the back yard.  These are not your typical apple or cherry.  We discovered one set we have are Asian pears.  We've watched them grow and when I realized they were turning tan I looked it up and it was time to pick!  We started out with one small yellow basket and it turned into all this!!  Luckily we were able to give many away but, while it's NOT my thing at all, many were also used up!  I made 12 bags of frozen sauce, few batches of cookies, and muffins.  And we enjoy eating them just plain too.  It was a LOT of work but didn't want them to go to waste!


We'd only gotten out once so far in June since all the other planned trips were rained out and we of course were busy with the new house.  This was very nearby and it was nice for a quick little getaway!

Riding out the storm in the rec room!

End of summer randomness...

Now that we're getting settled there is a little time for fun.  Hanging with our friends for super hero s'mores!

Friends lunch

A little pool time, its way too cold!!!

My 20 year High School reunion.  It was fun to see some old faces!  We're looking good class of 97!

Some back to school first day outfits and shoes:)

We had another great year of Push the Rock soccer camp and VBS!  Love seeing the kids filled with joy!

Aliyah did a 12 week hip hop dance class this summer and really enjoyed it.  The teacher let the students make up some of the moves to the routines so it was just perfect for her!

Some pre-school start Rita's!

It was a rainy day, they were stuck inside in PJ's.  Filled this up, put their suits on and it's an indoor pool!