Wednesday, September 6, 2017

End of summer randomness...

Now that we're getting settled there is a little time for fun.  Hanging with our friends for super hero s'mores!

Friends lunch

A little pool time, its way too cold!!!

My 20 year High School reunion.  It was fun to see some old faces!  We're looking good class of 97!

Some back to school first day outfits and shoes:)

We had another great year of Push the Rock soccer camp and VBS!  Love seeing the kids filled with joy!

Aliyah did a 12 week hip hop dance class this summer and really enjoyed it.  The teacher let the students make up some of the moves to the routines so it was just perfect for her!

Some pre-school start Rita's!

It was a rainy day, they were stuck inside in PJ's.  Filled this up, put their suits on and it's an indoor pool!

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