Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Max turns 12

Happiest of Birthdays to the most easy going guy in the world!  Sad we have to have another party-less quarantine birthday but glad we got to have some fun doing it.  Max is as tall and as big as I am.  His teachers tell us he always has a smile on his face.  He loves soccer and still loves building with legos.  He's a huge Fortnite fan, which, while I'm not a big video game person, it's been a wonderful outlet to be social and be able to play with friends.

His birthday was a beautiful day, we went to Indian Echo, soccer practice where everyone sang and had some McDonalds and Ice Cream cake!

Luckily we have a Quaran-team so we got some B-day mini golf and bonfire dinner with friends!

Then we also got to celebrate with Grandpa and Grandma Diana who we hadn't seen in forever.  It was a beautiful day for a masked outdoor visit!


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