Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Max's New Room and Third Trimester

A few weekends ago we made the trip to Ikea to get Max his new crib. I'm not nearly ready for a toddler bed (plus Max really does love his crib!) but the one we got changes into a toddler bed and then an actual twin bed with a new mattress so he's set for a long time now! It sat in his "play" room for a few days, we waited to have him sleep in there until my work week was over Wednesday and after about 4 days he was finally good to go in there. At first he'd need me to lay in there, and we had a few naps on my lap in that room (luckily we have a recliner in there) but now I can lay him in the crib and leave the room and he's just fine. I did have to bring big George over though because the first morning he woke up in there he was asking for George. I guess he really did get used to having a room full of Curious George but he's quite fond of the new car room with all his toys too.

Nate also found him a cool train set at Ikea. I wish we lived closer to one, they have the best toys there!

We've had a few days of some really nice weather (relatively speaking) so Max has really enjoyed being outside. He takes lots of walks (both stroller and walking) and has his old play room back (the front porch) which also now has his sand/water table (minus the water yet, its not that warm!), some riding toys, trucks and of course his all time favorite, bubbles! The gated front porch is such an asset, though with him walking/running these days, we are starting to think the back yard may prove a little difficult and take some discipline.

Besides his teething (which we hate to always use that excuse but I've never seen anyone teeth like this poor child- his entire bottom gums have been swollen for weeks and still only the same old 6 teeth. I give him credit for being as content as he is some days after seeing how awful his poor mouth looks) but besides that he's been pretty good. He goes through hungry weeks where I swear he eats more than me (which is saying a lot these days!) and then other weeks where he hardly eats anything. He also continues to get more picky which wouldn't bother me so much if he actually had picky taste but he just refuses to eat things that we both know he likes sometimes. Luckily he still likes his milk, V8 Fusion and his vitamins so I guess he's getting enough nutrients. He has learned "please" very well. We not only use it for food but for when he wants help (not that he inherited my quick German stubborn temper or anything) but we try to divert a "flip out" into asking for help or working it out himself with some patience. He's getting better.... he's also been very content playing by himself lately too which we figured was a good thing to enforce now before baby comes! (From the previous post, we did stop standing/running on the furniture too, ha!)

This picture just cracked me up! We had some babies come that are in our small group so I made Nate get down a few of the baby things, like the bouncie seat. Of course Max thought it was the greatest thing ever. The weight limit is like 20-25lbs so he's technically ok in there since he's only about 22lbs but I do think he may be a little long for it.... apparently the monkey wanted to pose too...

Otherwise we're doing well. We entered the THIRD trimester this week. There is a bit of pink creeping into the nursery already. I've been blessed with TONS of hand me down clothes, this child has more stuff than I do and she's not born yet. She's becoming more and more active which is mostly good I think (except the bladder dancing). Except for my back getting sore very quickly from doing just about anything (especially being on my feet without sneakers) I'm still feeling good.


sunnykim said...

you're looking so cute there, momma :)

my kids and their friends loved getting into the bouncer, too. but they broke it. hehe. thankfully, it made it through all three kids before then, though :)

sunnykim said...

hey, karen! i'm giving you a blog award, the sunshine award :)

stop by my blog to receive it!
