Double digits in months!!! And what a month it has been for Aliyah. My sweet quite little angel has turned into a total wild child! She is officially on the move and that is an understatement. She is EVERYWHERE and into everything!! Its funny how different kids are because Max was not very content just sitting and playing and I remember being anxious for him to start crawling and once he did he was much happier being able to get to the toys he wanted to sit and play. Aliyah was perfectly content sitting and playing with whatever I gave her but now that she can move she never sits and plays. She just goes around throwing things and making a HUGE mess. She is like a human tornado:) We had finally gotten to the point where Max could clean up his own toys so we didn't have to as much but now its a constant thing in our house. She can also easily pull herself up and she creeps along furniture. She did get her two bottom middle teeth and I don't see anything else coming in yet. She did pretty good with them so it wasn't bad. She's a great eater and loves to try new things. She especially likes her fruit in the net eating bags. She is still on the same eating/nursing/bottle schedule as she has been. She does take her morning bottle around 10am now and goes down for her nap so we're definitely down to the 2 nap thing. I swear sometimes Max sleeps more in his one nap than she does some days in two but she's good with them and does them in the crib for the most part and has even gotten to the point where she'll play in there when she wakes up for a little. (I know I've been fortunate with Max that he always, and still does, like to have some time in his crib before he gets up so he never cried when he woke or anything). She still eats her dinner later, I guess I should move it more to our schedule but she still takes a bottle around 4:30am and we usually eat about 5:45pm. She always gets a snack, fruit or a teething biscuit or something while we eat so that holds her over. She is still nursing well the few times she does so I'm happy about that because by 10 months Max had no time for it anymore. They're still playing nicely half the time. Max tends to get a bit bossy but its a learning process. I knew this would happen once she was into his stuff so we try to compromise.
10 month shots didn't go so well.... someone doesn't EVER sit still anymore! And she loves to love on George!
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