Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Kris & Wendy visit in March

In March we got another visit from Kris and Wendy. Since they bought a town house they had to come out to get the rest of the stuff they had stored and took advantage of some furniture (and tractor) they were trying to get rid of at my grandmother's. Despite the cool dreary weather we had a great visit! Made sure to get a family shot in. I need to crop it or something....

Visit to mom-mom Paul's. Max with his aunts!
Play time!
Friday we went to the State Museum. It was surprisingly a really neat place. They had a whole new dino exhibit which Max loves.

And they have the Curiosity Connection which is like a big play room. Max had a blast!

He picked food and made sure all the animals got fed.
And then left them some in case they got hungry later:)
Bed time stories

My mom promised him she would make these ice cream cookie things when Kris and Wendy came so he was SO excited when we got them out!

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