Saturday, August 24, 2013

Visit to Grandpa Ken's

In July we all made a trip to Grandpa Ken's for the weekend.  It started off a bit shaky.  Max was getting over a stomach bug which Aliyah finally caught the night before we were going in.  Only 2nd time they've had a stomach bug and of course in Aliyah fashion, while she ALWAYS catches what he has (and visa verse) she never gets anything nearly as bad.  Ellie and kids picked Nate and Max up on their way through and after catching up on some sleep Aliyah and I headed in late in the afternoon.  We all spent the night and had 2 days of swimming, creek, biking and playing fun!

Tried new floaties for Max and he did great with them!  He keeps forgetting he can swim with them each time we get to a big pool but happy he has more freedom and we can drop the tube at least.

 The kids, in their adorable matching shirts, thanks to the Brown's craft project, were practicing a song to sing for Great Grandpa's birthday.  We all got to join the party in MN via face time and Skype, love technology and fun to see everyone and get to sing and clap together!

 Max finally got a chance to learn how to ride his "new" scooter!

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