Monday, January 9, 2017

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

The annual trip to Bass Pro to see Santa and enjoy the winter wonderland.  Bad news is you needed tickets this year so we had to actually come back the next day to see Santa...

And the lists are officially handed over!

We made a trip in to see Mom-Mom Paul, Mario and Aunt Julie.  We had a nice Christmas visit!

Cookie time!!! My little cookie helper.

His favorite part

Max's Winter Snowflake concert

It was rescheduled twice and we only got about 1/3 of the possible kids, but the Children's Choir finally was able to sing for the retirement home.  It was greatly enjoyed by everyone!

Santa made a visit!

Trimming the tree.  We had bad luck this year.  The usual place we go sold out way early so we didn't get to cut one down- Costco to the rescue! 

The first ornament placed...

Topping the night off with my favorite Christmas special, Christmas Monkey George!

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