Monday, August 17, 2020
New kitchen
More camping
Mom's Memorial
I kept holding out hope that we could have a proper funeral and burial for my mom yet this summer. Unfortunately things don't seem to get much better. Because of her friends having to travel over an hour, and our family having to come in for the weekend, it just wasn't safe to do a weekend of a funeral celebration yet. She'd never want people coming together anxious about getting sick. While she does want her testimony shared, we decided we'll wait until it's safe to do so so we can have a fun family reunion celebration sharing memories and honoring her.
In the meanwhile on July 31st we had her burial. It was just us, Uncle Jim, Brenda and Brian and then Uncle Ron. Our Pastor Steve came out to officiate. She's buried on top of mom-mom's casket which is just what she wanted. It ended up being a nice day and we had a picnic lunch at a park afterwards. It wasn't easy, but I'm glad we were able to get that part over with and look forward to celebrating her life with a proper funeral some day.