Monday, August 17, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter 2020 was a strange one.  We very much missed hosting our family but we made the most of it trying to keep everything as normal and as fun as it could be considering...

I wasn't sure we'd get actual egg dye, the kids started out painting actual plastic eggs but Aunt Wendy came through with a special dye delivery!

We had a bad storm and lightening broke our tree:(


The kids greatly enjoyed tree forts for weeks though!





Baking Easter dessert

Planting Easter jelly beans...


Easter morning

We finally finished this quarantine puzzle!

Baskets from Grandpa and Grandma Diana!

Jelly beans grew in to lollypops!


Annual Easter Egg hunt

Proof I actually got dressed, doesn't happen often these days

A yummy Easter dinner!  Zucchini casserole, mac & cheese and ham 

Enjoyed Easter dinner downstairs with mom-mom

And very much enjoyed lots of family zoom chats!


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