Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Patio

Just the front of the house, inbetween blooms of the snapdragons and flowers in the railing boxes right now. (Yes, that is the return of porch pool. Pregnant lady with no AC greatly appreciates it too!) The second picuture is the side bed, our next (and hopefully last) project of the summer!

Nate has been wanting a patio out back and I've been wanting to make some of the back of the house look a lot neater so it was time for some work. With little money and a LOT of sweat we have a new back patio! It was about 95 degrees that day (I was sweating just watching, which is about all I was allowed to do) but Nate and our neighbor got it almost finished in a day. Its a quick concrete poured into molds to look like stone. Some before and after pictures are below. The mess around the outside and in the back yard are just areas of grass seed we're anxiously waiting to grow.