Sunday, October 21, 2012

Max is FOUR!!!

It's the moment he's been waiting for forever!  Mostly just because he knew he was getting new toys which seems to be a hit with 4 year olds I guess.  Luckily he just loves anything you get him so he's easy to please.  The birthday started off with making cupcakes for his friends at school.  It's mostly boys so I think the Lightening McQueen flags were a hit!

We had his first celebration at home in the evening with my mom.  He wanted Quesidillas for dinner and then we finished up his cookie bars.

 He got legos and the boys went right to work.  Nate LOVES that he's into legos now and they spend hours building things.  I don't love so much having tiny lego pieces ALL over the floor:) but I do love the creativity it bring out in the both of them!

He was nice enough to share his new toys with Aliyah who was VERY upset that she wasn't getting stuff.  I think even he felt bad!

Then the birthday weekend came.  They were anxiously awaiting a visit from the Browns and Grandpa Ken and Grandma Diana.

They had been waiting for 2 weeks to play in the leaves with them!

Luckily the Princess even had gifts to open this time..

She needed a new winter blanket and we saw this at Costco, it's one of her favorite movies and she loves it of course.

She developed a new "smile" for the camera face???

More birthday treats, party cupcakes this time with sprinkles and more Lightening flags.

Sunday the weather was supposed to be really nice so we headed off to the pumpkin patch.  It wasn't nearly as warm as they said it would be though but of course no one seemed to care.

By the time we went on the hayride I had them in coats!

How old are you now?

Max found his right away of course.

I'm not even sure this was on purpose...Grandma Melody wanted a shot but pretty sure this wasn't it! Of course now the sun came out and it warmed up 15 degrees.  After we can home and took naps they were actually in T-shirts playing outside.  Coats to T-shirts in the same day, gotta love fall!

Max wanted a scary one.  Aliyah wanted a sad one of course.  Her babies, kitties and even her when she's being a baby or kitty are always crying... not sure why....

So I think his birthday was complete.  He got lots of legos, some cars, monster trucks, books, puzzles, few clothes and got to do lots of fun things.  I can't believe it's been 4 years since our lives have been blessed with this little guy.  We're so very proud of him and what a little young man he is becoming.  He's finally learning to dress and undress himself (this was a slow learning process, only because he just didn't want to concentrate enough).  He has the best long term memory of anyone I've ever known but we're working on short term concentration!  He loves school and has warmed to his teachers nicely.  Now that she's older and talks so well, Aliyah and him play together a lot, and although you have to deal with all the arguing, the play time and nice interactions far outweigh the bad ones and it's just so cute to see them becoming best of friends.  He can write his name and is getting good with all his projects.  He knows all his numbers now.   We just thank God every day for  blessing us with such a wonderful little boy; and although it saddens me a little to see him grow up so fast, we're anxious to see what God has in store for his life and just look forward to the daily joy he brings to us.

Big Dig

Toward the end of the summer I scheduled to have some routine pipe snaking we have to do every year or so on account of roots from our old trees growing into the pipes.  After spending the entire day at our house and having to call in the big trucks, several hundred dollars later, they finally got through a little; but with a camera realized the pipe had split and needed to be replaced or it would just keep backing up until we did so.  Not wanting to deal with it in the winter and frozen ground we gave my blessed mother an IOU and went ahead with our project.  Luckily, doing a lot of the prep work ourselves, we saved a ton of money, and I'm pretty sure some people in our house had a bit of fun as well!
Friend Brian helping Nate while the kids looked on...