Saturday, September 6, 2014


 Well, the day finally came!  This boy is in kindergarten!  He was so excited so it was just so cute.  I think the day was harder on daddy than mommy, but I'm so grateful that he was totally fine and we didn't have to deal with him being upset.  We're really lucky to find out he got one of the best kindergarten teachers so that's a big blessing!  We've had a long 2 weeks, dealing with being hungry (he has a metabolism issue and needs to eat often) and no naps and being structured all day, but we're working into a routine and getting it down.  I SO wish it wasn't full day K, it's just too much for kids this age who have never done day care, but we'll get used to it and he is loving it so that's what matters!

And then, this one started Pre-School on the SAME day!  Emotional overload for mom and dad:).  Of course she knew the teacher and is very familiar with the school since Max went there for 2 years.  She was also excited and is having a lot of fun so that makes us happy too:)

More random summer fun

I always like to add the non-even photos, cause really, as much as I want to remember special times, the non-event days are just as special to me.

4 days before he starts kindergarten he asks me for his "ramp".  It took me a minute to figure out what he meant and I really can't believe it was still up in the attic, but I'm so glad it was.  This thing sat on our coffee table like a decoration for years, his favorite toddler toy ever probably.  Such a cute boy still wanting to play with it.  I just LOVE the way he plays.  I feel like some kids his age are already totally into video games, sports and trading cards so I just love that he can take anything and make a set up and amuse himself for hours.  Such an imagination!

Swimming at Grandpa's with Luke and Emma!
 Sprinklers in the back yard with Rowan 

And sometimes you get this if you're lucky!
 It was a hot stormy night so Aliyah and I wanted to do Wii Dance and Wii Fit.  She even needed to change into a tank and shorts to work out in clothes like mommy:)

It's September already, but already warmer than August so we're enjoying this while we can!
Daddy went in to help Grandpa Ken so kids and I went to the Nature Center with trails and hit the science center a little on a Saturday before the storms came through!

Last weekend was our church Labor Day Community Picnic.  Normally we're in Myrtle Beach this week (we were in July, pics are way late coming) but since we have school now we were around and had a fun afternoon of games, pony rides, face painting, balloons and food!

Church Camping Trip

Well, we finally got brave enough to do this.  Last year Nate and Max spent a night, but I finally decided the kids were old enough that we could go for the weekend.  It really was fun.  Camping is a lot more fun when you're camping with all your best friends.  It's just so nice to let the kids go up and down and just play all weekend long.  The weather was great and despite a tough first night sleep and lack of nap Saturday we all survived and had a blast playing, biking, swimming and fishing.

 Heading fishing with Gav in the back of the truck!

 I love how he plays!

 Aliyah's two best buddies, stories around the camp fire with Vera

And fighting with Brynn over the chair so this was their solution...

Mr Denny, the frog catcher (he did cook and eat that thing later, gross!

Major Family Reunion at Knoebles

We had another great family reunion at Knoebles.  There wasn't any representation from our family unfortunately, but it's such a great park and the rain held off so we had a good time!