Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hershey Park Happy

We had the absolutely perfect day for a trip to Hershey Park, got there at 10am, left at 9pm!  We first did the water park which was perfect timing because we got on tons of slides before the lines came!  After lunch we got dressed, did the zoo and the rest of the park.  It was such a great day and we had lots of fun!

Dog Days Fun

We're soaking up as much summer as we can and definitely enjoying the pool a ton this year!

Aliyah had an opportunity to read to the farm animals at the CATRA (therapy horse riding farm) on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

What happens when your kids fake phone is linked to your pictures lol!

The pears are starting to ripen, this means lots of miserable work in the kitchen with delicious results:)

Some friends enjoying the pool and motorized vehicles!

We had another beautiful Sunday afternoon for the Major Family Reunion at Little Buffalo Park.

VBS 2019 In the Wild

It was another wonderful year of VBS!  This year we used Lifeway's In the Wild which we loved!  It's also the year Aliyah entered the world of VBS skits.  Despite some sketchy rehearsals she got out there and nailed it each night!  We're so proud of her!

Turning the church into the wild!

Wendy and Wanda!

The girls worked so hard all summer to learn the motions!  They even had a VBS sleepover just before to make the T-shirts and just be silly:)

Max's best bud Dela came to VBS this year and they got to sing happy birthday to him!

And what's now become a tradition is Spring Gate the Saturday after!  This crew helps me immensely physically and emotionally throughout the whole VBS season!  Love the Strahans:)