Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mom's House & Baby Update

After 29 years of calling it "home"I think the house is worth a post! I know if you've moved around all your life you can't begin to understand what a house can mean but it was hard to say goodbye. Even Nate admitted he didn't know why I was so upset but was comforting anyway. The good news is we're SO excited to have my mom move out close to us and be in a new house. It feels like the end of an era, and with the baby coming our house really feels like "home" now. Lord willing, she'll be out here by the end of the month, even better if she can be out here by baby time!

And just when you thought I couldn't get any bigger..... 37 1/2 weeks.....

We had another appointment this morning. Everything is looking good. I'm not dialted at all yet but she said that doesn't mean a whole lot. I surprised them with my blood pressure being right on. (I guess people start to panic as they get close to due dates.... made me wonder if I was supposed to too...). Jr's heartbeat is perfect as well. He's still very active which the midwife said could be an indication of what he'll be like on the "outside"..... wonderful! I'm still measuring at 37 because I'm starting to drop some but not all the way yet. We still have 2 weeks and 2 days left at this point but we're ready. Nate just can not wait to meet his little fishing buddy and I can't want to not be pregnant anymore!

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