Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Months!!

Can you believe its been 2 whole months... Sometimes its hard to forget life without him but its also still hard to believe he's ours for the keeping!

We went for our 2 month check up today and he's a growing boy! He's 23 inches long and 11,5 lbs. We can't believe what a change only 2 months can bring. Its fun to look back like they're memories already. We go to Babies R Us and see all the excited pregnant couples with the registry guns and reminisce and its hard not to just go up and tell them that they can't even imagine the joy that will soon come into their lives. Even seeing a baby for its 2 day check up at the Dr's this morning and remembering those sleep deprived dazed days of just trying to figure the new baby out seemed like ages ago. Its also fun to have gotten to hold 2 newborns since Max and "remembering" when he was that big. I guess we have a long way to go and SO many wonderful memories yet to make.
Our Max is doing awesome! He was such a good boy for his shots this morning, SO much better than mommy was but we all made it through and now he's nice and sleepy. He is still doing good at night. I usually get about 3-4 1/2 hours of sleep at a time. He does wonderfully in his crib. We still have no schedule, some days he sleeps all day, some days he barely sleeps for more than a half an hour at a time. He's eating less often now which is nice but still means when we nurse it can push almost 2 hours sometimes. He just really enjoys it and if I have time then so be it.

He is all smiles these days. He so often had such a "Mad Max" face I thought maybe he'd be one of those babies who always looked serious but not anymore. He talks to us all the time now and has the best smile. I even get it when I change his diaper if he's not hungry.
We still love having daddy downstairs and getting to see him a lot. Its going to be weird when mom-mom moves out of our house and I go back to work so we're really enjoying this time while we have it.
We've been keeping very busy lately with helping my mom get her house painted and ready. I've also had to go in to help at work a little bit for some very unfortunate reasons so I guess its a way to ease back into it, though I still am cherishing my last month at home with the boy and am SO glad that I won't have to be going back full time (and that daddy and mom-mom will be the ones to watch him).

So that's the two month update, just have to share our smiling pictures:


Ellie said...

Oh- I love those big grins. Thanks for sharing!

sunnykim said...

great job, mommy!

(i'm blogging...again...come read my two posts!)
