Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Spring happenings...

This year we were in "real" baseball.  It took some adjusting to kid pitch and stricter rules but eventually he starting hitting.  It was a lot, at least 3 nights a week of practice and games, but he kept it up and enjoyed it for the most part!

Game ball!

One of the best things about baseball was there were 2 other kids from his class on his team, which is pretty funny considering there are 10 first grade classes and not everyone from baseball goes to his school.  His teacher is so sweet she came out to a couple games to cheer her boys on!

 Aliyah did a field hockey clinic thrown by the high school girls, she loved it!  It was fun getting out  my old stuff to play with her.

I enjoyed doing laps at the nice track while she had practice!

This spring she also finally got to start piano lessons.  She's been wanting to for so long and I finally tracked down a teacher who could do the time I wanted.  

 We had a warm spring day, no pool set up yet but they played with this one for HOURS!

 Spring times in Wildwood

And friends at Wildwood for the spring festival

It was a REALLY busy May and June, even more so than usual.  I was very happy when the craziness started to calm down and I get more time with these monsters!

Had a weekend with my college girls (missing Heidi) and their kiddos.  SO fun to get together and see the kids get along as well as we do!

Happy Father's Day!

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