Monday, August 17, 2020

 No pictures, just hard words here...

2020 has sure been one interesting year.  At the end of January we found out that my mom was dying of breast cancer.  It was a blow beyond words.  We are beyond thankful to have had her quickly set up on hospice with wonderful caregivers at her  home in our basement apartment.  Most people aren't blessed with the time, knowing what is coming, while having our loved one close and getting things in order.

Blow number 2 that is even more incredible is on March 13th the world shut down.  What seemed unimaginable before, brought us humbly to our knees.  Due to the COVID 19 pandemic everything shut down.  Work places have closed (except for essential employees), schools closed and our lives came screeching to a halt.

What this meant for us is that we were 100% isolated, trying to keep any illness out of the house due to my mom's severe immune issues.  What this also meant was hours spent with her, kids playing in her wheel chair, me there to tend to any need immediately, ready together, TV together, etc.  Not only do most people not get the knowledge of knowing a loved one is passing, but NO one gets thrown 6 weeks solely together.  There are no words to describe what a blessing that was for us.

Now back to pictures from our Quarantine fun!

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